Navigating The Noise

Sustainable positive contribution without exhaustion and overwhelm

Contributors and empathic people who love to give, are the creatives, the artists, the connectors, the helpers, creative leaders and visionaries of our world. They want to make a difference in the world and are driven by positive contribution, love and connection. Sound familiar?

There are incredible gifts to this way of being and when things are out of balance incredible challenges, being influenced by old survival strategies, beliefs or habits, external energies and situations. This leads to Exhaustion, overwhelm, operating from the old paradigm of pushing to make things happen rather than flow, ease and energy. I have been supporting people to feel more whole, happy and able to navigate life for 27 years and this new course contains many of the practices and tools that I have developed.

I very much look forward to seeing you there, With love Hannah

Win a free place on the course!!

Watch the video below for more info……

This is for you if you;

  • You have a passion for contribution and creating positive change in the world and want to bring your gifts without exhausting and pushing yourself, without shutting down or making do.

  • You highly value love and connection.

  • You are ready to consistently feel embodied, resourced, supported, connected and an abundance of vitality.

  • You are passionate about personal and planetary well being.

  • You long to embrace your fullest self and love, accept and reclaim all of the different parts of you.

  • You want to connect deeply to your energy and learn how to create from flow rather than force.

  • You are ready to reclaim your free, authentic and wholehearted self.

  • You want to become super confident in navigating emotions, feel able to wholeheartedly meet whatever life brings and make it work for you.

  • You want to become even more resilient and impactful and remain balanced, flexible, energised and empowered.

  • Discover your unique gifts, learn how to develop and trust your intuitive wisdom.

  • Connect with the enormous personal and planetary benefit of being an empathic contributor.

  • Learn how to navigate and be choiceful about your sensitivity.

  • Enjoy a supportive community, a team of peers who will share with you and cheer you on.

  • Uncover and resolve cultural and family patterns that limit you fully being yourself.

  • Unite with your inner landscape and internal safety to create resilience and confidence.

  • Uncover ways that you have adapted to survive and free yourself to reclaim your fullness.

Are you……

  • A natural giver and contributor but are often left feeling exhausted from over stretching and accommodating others needs, do you easily pick up the energy of other people and situations? If you are looking to develop more resilience, connection and a feeling of being embodied and present in your life along with learning about, refining and allowing the enjoyment of the gifts of being a contributor, this in depth and life changing course is for you.

The next available places are for the course starting January 2023.

  • This course is hosted in its own app as well as online meaning that we have a lot of ease and flexibility in accessing material both on and offline and on an i-phone or android device, computer or tv.

  • This course can be taken at your own pace and is totally flexible so that you can engage with classes when it suits you. Our wonderful online forum will allow you to share experiences with others taking the course and support one another.

  • The course is in depth and transformational, it is divided into 10 modules, each with its own series of video lessons and experiential meditations and practices. The course consists of Somatic and experiential practices to work through along with guided meditations and powerful tried and tested practices that I have been supporting clients in my practice with for 27 years.

  • Weekly live calls with Hannah allow for consistent support with any questions that arise along with powerful group work and sharing. You can submit questions at any time before the call.

  • The private in app forum will allow you to share your experiences, witness others and receive the benefits of accountability within the group. Share your progress and benefit from our collective experiences in our community of other like minded change makers.

  • Once a part of our community you can continue to revisit material, even after completing the course.

  • This is the first of a growing body of work that will be accessible online and in app. All in app materials and courses are included for those in my membership community.

Cost; £850 Included free of charge if you have completed a three month one to one programme with me. Bursary places are available to those with a low income, please contact me to apply.

Click here to book

To book, making payment in 4 monthly instalments of £212.50 click here.

If you would like to speak with Hannah to decide if this would be right for you please contact Gemma 07739709268 / to arrange an appointment.

If you are looking to develop more resilience and a feeling of being embodied and present in your life along with learning about, refining and allowing the enjoyment of the gifts of being highly sensitive, this in depth and life changing course is for you!

  • Reconnect with and nourish yourself, become captain of your own ship so that you can contribute positively and bring your unique gifts without exhaustion and overwhelm.

  • Dive deeply into finding and reclaiming your centre, returning to your innate safety, reclaiming your wholehearted self. Embodiment, freedom and authenticity.

  • Bring yourself up to date, identify and resolve old survival strategies, habitual emotional and energetic patterns. Free yourself to be more fully in the present and make clear choices around how you live and what you create.

  • Root yourself in connection and alignment with your life’s path. Nurture and develop deep trust of your own inner leadership and knowing and create from flow rather than force.