An 8 part online in app course to support you to be ready for the spring. Energetically, emotionally and mentally release what no longer serves you, reclaim energy that is leaking in directions you don' t want to invest in and clarify what seeds you do want to plant and what in yourself, your life and community you do want to invest in.
Reclaim your energy from false ideas, past lovers or experiences, projects, dynamics, patterns, limited beliefs or judgements about yourself or connections with others that no longer serve life.
Get clear about how, where and with who you do want to invest energy and begin to bring your dreaming of the winter into form.
We will combine, ceremony, experiential exercises and sharing, coming together around our virtual fire to clarify how best to free, deeply listen to your unique flow of life energy and then consciously invest it.
Spring is the time that seeds begin to stir and the sap begins to flow again in the trees. Working alongside the energy of nature supports health, happiness, vitality and creative flow.
Course material is available both in app and on the website. By joining the app you will have access to our community forum page where you can ask questions and link with others taking the course to share following exercises with if that is what works best for you. The course is designed to be totally flexible and fit in with your schedule whilst giving you the connection and support that you need to reap the benefits.
To join the course Release, Renew and Reclaim your energy please complete this form.