Planetary and human wellbeing;
From overwhelm to grounded positive action.
Online course with weekly live group calls, Thursday mornings 9am -11am 11th Feb, 18th and 25th Feb, 4th, 11th and 18th March
6 Spaces
Being part of a nourishing supportive community.
Fortnightly live calls with all 12 participants exploring resolving and inspiring
Practices and intentional meditation to align with personal, collective and planetary wellbeing
A one to one mentoring session with Hannah
A series of interviews with inspiring people who have taken consistent positive action and are now seeing the results.
With a constant barrage of news, disaster and environmental crisis our nervous systems simply go into overwhelm. We stop listening deeply, we focus on just keeping our own boats above water, when this happens we are also disconnecting ourselves to the deep instinctive listening that is available to us in connection with the universe, plants, people, and our innate intuitive ability. The problems just seem insurmountable and there can be a sense of one person can’t really make that much difference. I want to offer you the opportunity to explore the possibility of thriving even when things do not appear to be perfect, a coming together in collaboration, energetic and emotional alignment and clear thinking. Let’s explore together how to re-engage our innate wisdom and connection and how to rekindle the part of us that is an expression of love embodied. What is really possible when we are deeply connected to and resourced by allowing who we really are.
This is for you if,
There is something that you care deeply about that is a large scale issue, environmental impacts, animal welfare, homelessness, education, leadership or mental health and you would like to find a way to make a positive contribution in a way that is sustainable and also nourishes you rather than leaving you overstretched and exhausted.
You are a change maker but often meet overwhelm, stress and a feeling of not being able to do everything. You notice yourself feeling stuck or fearful in the face of what is happening in the wider world.
You are ready to find ways to …….are at a point in your life where you would like to contribute in a positive way but haven’t yet found a way to do so that feels completely aligned with you or your available time and energy.
You at times feel overwhelmed, afraid or powerless in the face of pollution, disharmony, cultural illness or ineffective leadership.
You want to deepen or regain your connection with nature and with yourself and get really clear about how you can contribute in a way that is sustainable, nourishing and enlivening and effective. Gain new tools to allow your innate energetic support structures and feel supported, more resilient and energetically and creatively abundant.
Self care, connection and resilience
Tuesdays 2-4pm, Feb 16th-March 23rd 2021 6 Spaces £708
Course includes, 6 online group sessions and 1 one to one mentoring session.