Sarah shares her experience…

Please tell us a bit about yourself…

 I am Sarah, I am 38, a mother of two, and I have my own business.

What challenges were you facing in your life and relationship with yourself before attending the three-day healing and coaching weekend?

Before working with Hannah the challenges that I faced in my life and relationships included:

·      Low self-worth and confidence, feeling tormented by being unsure of myself.

·      Having lost connection with the authentic me.

·      Doubting my actions.

·      Self-care being a low priority, regular experiences of exhaustion and overwhelm.

·      Being stuck and under resourced, in cycles of stress and conflict.

·      Worrying about what other people thought.

·      Feeling confused about why my relationship wasn’t working and blocking depth in friendships.

 What did you hope that the healing and coaching weekend would help with? 

Having experienced the positive impact that the initial sessions with Hannah had on my sense of self-confidence, connection and nurturing I felt ready to dive deeper to enable release and resolution of the things that have been holding me back. When I heard that my application to join the three-day healing and coaching programme had been successful I was excited. My hope was that I would leave feeling more in my body, more confident and at ease with myself as a woman, partner, friend, and as a mother.

Tell us about your journey, how has attending this programme helped you?

 Working with Hannah has changed something deep in me, in my mental mechanics, my behaviour. My usual go to would be overwhelm and frenzy when faced with demands of children, work, household etc. Since the coaching weekend I feel much more resourced, I am able to stop and breathe, really take care of myself and listen, that was a huge change for me. Oddly, it wasn’t an effort it has just changed. It is very clear to me that I am now navigating challenges in a much more resourced, resilient and kind way. I have a clearer understanding of where patterns of behaviour had come from, that they weren’t mine and that I could choose to release them.  There is a huge sense of freedom and spaciousness in being able to make choices about how I do things rather than being stuck in reaction.

 What are some of your insights and transformations?

 I saw how I had been unconsciously caught in the habit of being stressed and not feeling enough, and how this was keeping me from being my full and authentic self. Part of me had been in survival mode for a long time and I was being severely depleted by it.

Survival strategies that I had put in place many years ago were still actively running and were no longer appropriate or serving me.  I found it powerful to have the space to explore how I can meet my needs in a present and positive way. I have, for example of one of the many shifts, lived with the belief that I am not intelligent, this was handed to me as a child and I had never addressed and updated it. Having released that belief I have been able to update and recognise and value the gifts that I bring of caring for others, kindness, openness, sensitivity and my ability to love.

 What did you appreciate about working with Hannah?

 Hannah is magic! She holds a very clear and loving space with great awareness of each individual’s needs and pace. She is a gifted intuitive light-worker who is grounded and present in her approach. Hannah’s work has given me the opportunity to reconnect with my true nature, without all of the negative beliefs and stories that I have been telling myself for years. I have resolved things from my past experience that were still affecting my present reality. I am now able to continue to grow and transform my experience through using the tools that Hannah has shown me. The hands-on healing and energetic work is deeply nurturing and powerful. I could feel old blocks in my physical body being cleared whilst feeling safe and supported.

 Would you recommend this work to a friend and if so who would it suit? What might they be experiencing?

 Receiving treatment from Hannah would suit anyone who has a calling to live life as the fullest version of themselves. It is really important work, a genuine opportunity for transformation. If you are keeping yourself small, running away from the really good things in life. If you are experiencing regular states of stress and unhappiness I can highly recommend working with Hannah. 

What changes have you noticed, how do you feel about yourself and your life now and will anything be different in the next chapter of your life as a result of doing this work?

 ·      I feel much more resourced and resilient.

·      I am appreciative of my positive qualities rather than constantly critiquing myself.

·      Feeling much more embodied, spacious and present with myself, my children and in my life generally.

·      Freedom to choose what reality I manifest and self- responsibility for my choices.

·      Feeling authentic and allowing myself space to meet myself before responding/ not reacting.

·      Understanding where negative patterns had come from and the tools to release them.

·      Really listening to myself, and others. In relationship the ability to communicate more clearly and connect with empathy.

·      Practical, accessible tools that I can continue to work with.

·      Awareness of my fight or flight biochemistry and experience of how to navigate that in a more grounded, nourishing way.

·      Insights into parenting with more presence.

·      Letting go of lack and more confidence in my own ability to meet my needs.

·      Choice! Ability to respond rather than react. I don’t need to keep replaying the Drama. It is amazing!

 Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?

 After completing the three day healing and coaching with Hannah, I am looking through a much more authentic lens with my head held high, feeling grounded, nourished and supported. I have more choice, more freedom and more autonomy and a lot more kindness towards myself, and others. My self worth has dramatically shifted to knowing without a doubt that I am enough, just as I am.



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